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Managing Kepware Software Licenses

This page contains licensing procedures for all Kepware products.

KEPServerEX V6

For more detailed activating and transferring instructions—as well as information on upgrading licenses, renewing Support & Maintenance, and troubleshooting licenses—please refer to the License Utility help file.

Activating a License

Activate one or more KEPServerEX Version 6 licenses in a single transaction online or offline. Watch the Video for a six-minute demonstration.

Activating Online

  1. To start, open the License Utility on the machine to be licensed.
  2. Next, copy and paste the V6 Activation ID(s) into the License Utility. To activate multiple licenses at once, enter one Activation ID per line. A maximum of 100 activations can be performed in a single transaction.
  3. Enter the user name and password for the account.
  4. Click Next to activate. The License Utility will communicate with the license server to perform the license activation.
  5. On successful activation, the Activation ID(s) will show Good status in the License Utility.

Activating Offline

  1. To start, save the V6 Activation ID(s) to portable media.
  2. Next, open the License Utility on the machine to be licensed.
  3. Copy and paste the V6 Activation IDs into the License Utility. To activate multiple licenses at once, enter one Activation ID on per line. A maximum of 100 activations can be performed in a single transaction.
  4. Click Save to File… and save the activation request file ("activation_request.txt") to portable media.
  5. Log in to My Kepware and activate the product by uploading the activation request file.
  6. Save the activation response file ("response.txt") to portable media.
  7. Return to the License Utility. In Import the Activation Response File, select the activation response file saved in the prior step.
  8. On successful activation, the Activation ID(s) will show Good status in the License Utility.
Transferring a License

Transfer one or more KEPServerEX Version 6 licenses in a single transaction online or offline.

Transfering Online

  1. Open the License Utility on the machine from which the Activation ID(s) will be transferred.
  2. Select the Activation ID(s) to be returned and then click Transfer.
  3. Enter user credentials in the User Name and Password fields.
  4. Click Next to begin the transfer. A status screen will display the transfer request status as well as any errors or warnings.
  5. Once complete, click Next to return to the home screen.

Note: At this point, the license has been successfully stored in the online account and the transferred product is now available for activation on another machines.

Transfering Offline

  1. Open the License Utility on the machine from which the Activation ID(s) will be transferred.
  2. Select the Activation ID(s) to be returned and then click Transfer.
  3. Click Save to File… to deactivate the license on the machine. A warning will be displayed that describes how the license must be transferred back to before it can be activated for use on a new machine. Click OK to continue.
  4. In the file-browse dialog, save the request file ("transfer_request.txt") to portable media.
  5. Go to My Kepware and transfer the product by uploading the transfer request file.

Note: At this point, the license has been successfully stored in the online account and the transferred product is now available for activation on another machines.

Upgrading from Version 5 to Version 6

Upgrading with Software Activation IDs from V5.X to V6.X with Internet Access

  1. Transfer the V5.X license(s) off the machine using the License Utility.
  2. Upgrade from Version 5 to Version 6 using
  3. Copy and paste the V6 Activation ID(s) from into the License Utility.
  4. Activate one or more licenses using the License Utility.
  5. Your new Activation ID(s) should now show Good status in the License Utility.

Upgrading with Software Activation IDs from V5.X to V6.X without Internet Access

  1. Retrieve the V5 Activation ID(s) using the License Utility.
  2. Upgrade from Version 5 to Version 6 using
  3. Save the V6 Activation ID(s) to portable media.
  4. Activate using the new Activation ID in the License Utility on the machine to be licensed.
  5. Save the activation request file to portable media and return to
  6. Activate the Product at using the activation request file.
  7. Save the activation response file to portable media.
  8. Import the activation response file in the License Utility on the machine to be licensed.
  9. Your new Activation ID(s) should now show Good status in the License Utility.

Upgrading from V5.X to V6.X Using a Hardware Key

  1. Record the Flex ID from the License Utility.
  2. Upgrade the hardware key at using the Flex ID.
  3. Save the hardware key license file. If you don't have internet access, save to portable media.
  4. Activate the new license in the License Utility using the hardware key license file.

The hardware key license should now show Certificate status in the License Utility.

Renewing Support

Purchase support and have access to the corresponding verification email before completing these steps. Watch the Video for a three-minute demonstration.

Renewing Online

  1. To start, open the License Utility on the machine for which support has been purchased.
  2. Click Renew and enter user credentials in the User Name and Password fields.
  3. Click Renew and the License Utility will check for the latest support end date(s) associated with the products licensed on the server.
  4. The support end dates will now display the updated date.

Renewing Offline

  1. To start, copy the .lic file (which was attached in the verification email sent after purchasing support) to portable media. You can also download this file from My Kepware.
  2. Open the License Utility on the machine for which support has been purchased
  3. Ensure Perform licensing operations online when possible is not checked.
  4. Click Renew and then select Import File.
  5. Select the .lic file saved to portable media in step 1 and click Open.
  6. The support end dates will now display the updated date.
Emergency Licenses

An Emergency Activation ID is provided with each purchased Activation ID to be used in the event of a machine or system failure occurring outside of standard business hours. The emergency license can be activated through the My Kepware licensing website from the target machine, and allows the product to run for seven days. The Emergency Activation ID is a one-time use license: one must be used for each product that requires emergency activation. After using an emergency license, contact Technical Support to discuss options for re-commissioning the permanent license.

For more information on emergency license activation, refer to the License Utility help file.

Managing Hardware Key Certificates

Hardware key certificates are digitally-signed files that contain a unique Hardware Key ID as well as a list of activated products. Although each hardware key certificate can be imported to many host machines, the physical hardware key associated with the hardware key certificate can only be attached to one machine at a time. The physical hardware key is necessary to use the hardware key certificate. For information on how to manage and transfer hardware key licenses, refer to the License Utility help file.

KEPServerEX V5, LinkMaster, and RedundancyMaster

KEPServerEX V5, LinkMaster, and RedundancyMaster software licenses are activated and transferred through a multi-step process that requires Internet and user access to the web-based My Kepware portal. For detailed instructions, expand the topics below.

Activating a License
  1. To start, open the License Utility on the host machine.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select License Utility.
    • RedundancyMaster: Open RedundancyMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Manage Software Licenses and then click Next.

  3. Select Activate a product and then click Next.

  4. In Create an Activation Request File, enter the Activation ID that was provided by Kepware with the purchased product. Then, click Save to File.

  5. The License Utility will generate a request file and then display a file-browse dialog. Save the request file, making note of its location as it will be sent to the My Kepware portal in the next step.

    Note: The default filename for the activation request file is "activation_request.txt". Users can rename the file to ease license management, which may be especially helpful when activating more than one product at one time.
  6. In an internet browser, navigate to the My Kepware portal at Returning users will be prompted to enter login information, whereas first-time users must create a My Kepware Account to continue.
  7. Once logged in, locate Product Licensing and Registration and then click Activate Product License. Complete all required fields on the form.

  8. In Activation ID, enter the product's Activation ID. In Activation Request File, click Choose File to browse to the activation request file that was previously saved. Once finished, click Generate Activation Response File.

  9. After the activation request file has been processed successfully, a download link will be displayed at the top of the page. Click Download Activation Response File and then save the file to the host machine, making note of its location.

    Note: The default filename for the activation response file is "response.txt." Users can rename the file to ease license management, which may be especially helpful when activating more than one product at one time.
  10. Next, return to the License Utility. In Manage Software License Activation, locate Import the Activation Response File and then click Import File. Browse to the downloaded activation response file received from the My Kepware portal, and then click Open.

    Note: At this point, the response file will be processed.
  11. Upon successful activation in KEPServerEX, an Activation Complete screen will be displayed. Click Close to exit or Next to access the View Licenses page. Upon successful activation in LinkMaster and RedundancyMaster, the View Licenses page will immediately be displayed.

  12. Next, restart the runtime service to prevent the license from continuing to run in demo mode.
    • License Utility: Click Close
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • RedundancyMaster: Right-click on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then select File | Shutdown Runtime and Exit. Then, re-open LinkMaster.

Transferring a License
  1. To start, open the License Utility on the host machine.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select License Utility.
    • RedundancyMaster: Open RedundancyMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Manage Software Licenses and then click Next.

  3. Select Transfer a product activation and then click Next.

  4. In Select an Activation to Transfer, use the drop-down menu to select the product activation that will be transferred. This will update the products located in the list box with the features contained within the software license.

  5. Under Transfer the Activation File, click Save to File... in order to deactivate the license on the machine. Doing so means that the license rights will no longer be respected by the installed software. If the resulting transfer request file is not processed in the My Kepware portal, users will be unable to use the license

    Note: Selecting this button will invoke the warning below. Click OK to continue.

    Important: Users whose activation has a Support and Maintenance subscription will receive the warning shown below. Click OK to continue.

  6. The License Utility will display a file-browse dialog. Save the request file, making note of its location as it will be sent to the My Kepware portal in the next step.

    Note: The default filename for the transfer request file is "transfer_request.txt." Users can rename the file to ease license management, which may be especially helpful when transferring more than one product at one time.

    Important: The transfer request file must be generated from the License Utility on the original host machine. An internet connection is required to complete the license transfer process. If the host machine that the active license is being transferred from does not have internet access, users must copy the transfer request file to a computer that does in order to log in to the My Kepware portal and upload the transfer request file.
  7. In an internet browser, navigate to the My Kepware portal at Returning users will be prompted to enter login information, whereas first-time users must create a My Kepware Account to continue.
  8. Once logged in, locate Product Licensing and Registration and then click Transfer License. To browse to the transfer request file previously saved, click Choose file. Once selected, click Open.

  9. Next, click Process Transfer Request.

    Note: At this point, the transfer request file will be processed and a message will be displayed that indicates the license has been successfully stored in the online account. At this point, the transferred product is now available for activation on another machine.

    Important: For information on limitations on activation transfers, please refer to the License Utility product manual.
Emergency Licenses

An Emergency Activation ID is provided with each purchased Software Activation ID to be used in the event of a machine/system failure occurring outside of standard business hours. The emergency license can be activated through the vendor's licensing website from the target machine, and will allow the product to run for a period of seven days. The Emergency Activation ID is a unique one-time use license: one must be used for each product that requires emergency activation. After using an emergency license, users must contact Technical Support in order to discuss options for re-commissioning the application.

Note: If the computer that the emergency license will be used on does not have Internet access, users must copy the activation request file to a computer that does in order to generate the activation response file. Both the activation request file and the activation response file must be processed on the target machine. For more information on license activation, refer to the License Utility product manual.

Important: It is important to discuss appropriate recovery procedures with all relevant personnel before a situation such as machine/system failure occurs. Furthermore, users can alleviate recovery by saving a copy of all current Activation IDs. It is also helpful to note the correct version of the server installation.

Managing Hardware Key Certificates

Hardware keys are used in conjunction with digitally-signed files generated by Kepware that contain a unique Hardware Key ID (Flex ID) in addition to a list of activated products. Each hardware key certificate can be imported to many host machines, but the physical hardware key that is associated with the hardware key certificate can only be attached to one machine at a time. The physical hardware key is necessary in order to use the hardware key certificate.

Important: An additional software feature must be installed in order for the hardware key to function properly. This can be done during the initial setup or at any time by re-running the product installation executable and selecting Modify. In Select Features, locate Hardware Key and then select Entire feature will be installed on the local hard drive. Then, continue through and complete the install. For more information, refer to Kepware Installation Guide.

The hardware key certificate must be imported into the License Utility in order for the physical hardware key to be recognized by the application's Runtime. For more information, refer to the instructions below.

  1. To start, open the License Utility on the host machine.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select License Utility.
    • RedundancyMaster: Open RedundancyMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Manage Hardware Key Certificates.

  3. Locate Import a Hardware Key Certificate, and then click Import File. Browse to and select the hardware key certificate sent from Kepware, and then click Open.
  4. On successful activation, the View Licenses page will be displayed listing the licensing information for the activated products.

  5. Next, restart the runtime service to prevent the license from continuing to run in demo mode.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • RedundancyMaster: Right-click on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then select File | Shutdown Runtime and Exit. Then, re-open LinkMaster.

For more information on managing hardware key certificates, refer to the License Utility product manual.


ClientAce licenses are activated and unlocked using a different multi-step process.

Acquiring and Registering a License

Hardware keys are used in conjunction with digitally-signed files generated by Kepware that contain a unique Hardware Key ID (Flex ID) in addition to a list of activated products. Each hardware key certificate can be imported to many host machines, but the physical hardware key that is associated with the hardware key certificate can only be attached to one machine at a time. The physical hardware key is necessary in order to use the hardware key certificate.

Important: An additional software feature must be installed in order for the hardware key to function properly. This can be done during the initial setup or at any time by re-running the product installation executable and selecting Modify. In Select Features, locate Hardware Key and then select Entire feature will be installed on the local hard drive. Then, continue through and complete the install. For more information, refer to Kepware Installation Guide.

The hardware key certificate must be imported into the License Utility in order for the physical hardware key to be recognized by the application's Runtime. For more information, refer to the instructions below.

  1. To start, open the License Utility on the host machine.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select License Utility.
    • RedundancyMaster: Open RedundancyMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then click Help | License Application.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Manage Hardware Key Certificates.

  3. Locate Import a Hardware Key Certificate, and then click Import File. Browse to and select the hardware key certificate sent from Kepware, and then click Open.
  4. On successful activation, the View Licenses page will be displayed listing the licensing information for the activated products.

  5. Next, restart the runtime service to prevent the license from continuing to run in demo mode.
    • KEPServerEX: Right-click on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the KEPServerEX icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • RedundancyMaster: Right-click on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and then select Stop Runtime Service. Once stopped, restart it by right-clicking on the RedundancyMaster icon located in the System Tray and selecting Start Runtime Service.
    • LinkMaster: Open LinkMaster, and then select File | Shutdown Runtime and Exit. Then, re-open LinkMaster.

For more information on managing hardware key certificates, refer to the License Utility product manual.